What is a “C2 Capacity”? Assessment and use of ETAG001 in the context of NZS3101:2006 – Unpacked for consulting New Zealand Engineers


When – 9th July 2024

Where – Building 260-057, 12 Grafton Road - Caseroom2 (69) (Sir Owen G Glenn Building). Access from Grafton Road (Refer City Campus Map Link).

17:30 pre-presentation refreshments
18:00 presentation

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What is a "C2 Capacity"? Assessment and use of ETAG001 in the context of NZS3101:2006 - Unpacked for consulting New Zealand Engineers


Registration opens at 01-07-2024 18:08

Registration closes at 09-07-2024 10:00

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This presentation is intended to provide practical insight for practicing New Zealand consulting engineers into what a “C2 capacity” does, and does not, represent, the history of this assessment method, genuine areas of ambiguity, and the application of this value in accordance with NZS3101:2006.
Since the inclusion of references to Eurocode ETAG-001 for the assessment and design of post-installed anchors in concrete in Amendment 3 to NZS 3101:2006, uncertainty has existed not only around the specifics of this testing but what the published "C2 Capacity" represents and its direct applicability to New Zealand codes and standards.
While these specifics are well understood by the comparatively small number of individuals in the anchor industry or academia who have had direct and in-depth exposure to this test regime (less again who are also professionally familiar with NZ codes), many practicing engineers who apply these capacities in their design, by reasonable limitations of time and attention, rarely have the opportunity to gain a depth of understanding into what these values represent.


Robert Hudson is specialised in seismic assessment and strengthening of existing structures. He manages research, development, codes and approvals for PYTHON Fixings across Australasia and North America. Involved with the development of International Code Committee (ICC) acceptance criteria for post-installed anchors, testing of post-installed anchors to ETAG001, Annex E, and design of such anchors in accordance with NZS3101:2006 Robert is able to provide balanced insight on this topic.

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